
5. Change KB Permalinks, URL, and Article Slug

The Echo Knowledge Base consists of the KB Main Page, which displays a list of all categories and articles, and individual Article Pages. Below are instructions for modifying the URLs for the KB Main Page and Article Pages.

Here's what you can do:

If you have an existing page that contains KB shortcode and just want to update the URL, follow these steps:


Changes are not visible

If you do not see changes on the front end, please try the following:

  • Clear your website cache and browser cache.
  • Go to Admin ⮞  Permalinks ⮞  Click on Save Changes.

If you already have an existing page on which you want to show your Knowledge Base, just insert KB shortcode:

Changes are not visible

If you do not see changes on the front end, please try the following:

  • Clear your website cache and browser cache.
  • Go to Admin ⮞  Permalinks ⮞  Click on Save Changes.
Changes are not visible

If you do not see changes on the front end, please try the following.

  • Clear your website cache and browser cache.
  • Go to Admin ⮞  Permalinks ⮞  Click on Save Changes.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to admin ⮞ knowledge base ⮞ configuration
  2. Select the KB URLs tab.
  3. Scroll down to "Knowledge Base URL" section at the bottom.
  4. Choose the URL that matches your KB URL of the Main Page.
  5. Save your settings.
Click to zoom

To set the Knowledge Base on your Home Page, follow these steps:

  1. 1. Go to admin ⮞ Settings ⮞ Reading page.
  2. 2. Choose a Static page option.
  3. 3. Choose the page where the knowledge base is located.
  4. 4. Save your settings.
Click to zoom

Note: The URL of articles and categories will remain unchanged, retaining the KB Main Page slug.

Read this short article about KB shortcode here.

The URL (page address, page link) is a unique address (location) of a webpage on the Internet, for example:

The Slug is the part of a URL that identifies a single page within a website using human-readable keywords:

Article full addres

  • Slugs are typically generated automatically by WordPress from a page title but can also be entered or altered manually.
  • When WordPress generates a slug it may optimize it for brevity and easy consumption by search engines. For example, a slug for the title “This, That & the Other!” will be “this-that-the-other”. Long page titles may also be truncated to keep the final URL to a reasonable length.
  • Slugs are generally entirely lowercase with words separated by dashes, for example


Permalink is a name for a permanent link (URL) that points to a specific webpage, post, archive, or any other page on a website. It is called permanent because this link should not change even if the underlying page ID in the database changes.

In some cases, setting the category slug and tag slug may be required. The following screen shows where you can configure these slugs.

Changing Slugs Will Affect Your Website

Do not make changes unless you need to define a different category or tag slug for your category/tag archive pages.

All links containing the category and tag slugs will be affected.

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