
Knowledge Base Layouts

The primary landing page for your Knowledge Base is called the KB Main Page. This page presents articles and categories for easy browsing. The appearance of the KB Main Page depends on your settings and the chosen layout.

The Categories & Articles module/block offers these layouts:
  • Basic
  • Tabs
  • Categories Focused
  • Classic
  • Drill Down

Additional layouts are available in the Elegant Layouts add-on.

To display your Knowledge Base on your web page, make sure the page includes the KB shortcode as explained in this article.

The Basic Layout displays articles and categories in rows and columns. The number of columns, listed articles, and many other features of the page can be customized.

Here are live examples:

  1. Demo 1
  2. Demo 2

In some screenshots, the search box is our Pro add-on, Advanced Search.

This layout is ideal for larger knowledge bases that require tabs to separate different products.

We use it on our other documentation page to distinguish between our add-ons and the core free plugin. You can see a live example of the Knowledge Base here

Here are live examples:

  1. Demo 3
  2. Demo 4

In some screenshots, the search box is our Pro add-on, Advanced Search.

A great layout for larger sized knowledge bases, that require tabs to separate other products. The Classic Layout offers a simple, compressed view of top-level categories. Click to expand each category and see its associated articles and subcategories

Here is a live example: Demo 3

In some screenshots, the search box is our Pro add-on, Advanced Search.

The Drill Down Layout helps you navigate large knowledge bases easily. Click top categories to progressively reveal articles and subcategories.

Here is a live example: Demo 4

In some screenshots, the search box is our Pro add-on, Advanced Search.

The Categories layout resembles the Basic layout but includes the number of articles beside each category name.

Here is a live example: Demo 5

Grid layout presents top categories with the count of articles in each. Clicking on a category navigates the user to either an article page or a category archive page.

Here are live examples:

  1. Demo 6
  2. Demo 7

This layout requires the Elegant Layouts Add-on.

In some screenshots, the search box is our Pro add-on, Advanced Search.

The Sidebar layout features a navigation sidebar alongside articles on both the Knowledge Base (KB) Main Page and KB Article Pages.

Here are live examples:

  1. Demo 8
  2. Demo 9

This layout requires the Elegant Layouts Add-on.

In some screenshots, the search box is our Pro add-on, Advanced Search.

There are two ways to configure the KB:

  • Method 1: the Settings admin page has basic settings in a simple list format. It is a quick and easy way to configure the KB.
  • Method 2: for advanced users, the Visual Editor to select sections of the page to modify using both basic and advanced settings.
  • Go to the KB configurations
  • Open Settings tab
  • Open Main Page tab

For more instructions click here.

Click to zoom
KB Categories & Articles Block is Comming Soon

Contact us for details.

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