Custom Roles

Knowledge Base Add-on
Requires Access Manager

Please note: This add-on Requires the Access Manager Core plugin.

The Custom Roles add-on lets you map custom WP Roles to KB Roles.

You can also combine Custom Roles and KB Groups add-ons in order to map WP Roles against KB Groups and Roles.

You can read detailed documentation about Custom Roles here: documentation.

Assigning WP roles or third party plugin custom roles to KB Groups and Roles is configured using the following screen:

KB Custom Roles Role Mapping
Click Image to zoom
KB Custom Roles Role assigned lists
Click Image to zoom

The following two examples shows WP Roles from third party plugins mapped to KB Groups and KB roles:

  • Map Shop Worker to KB Warehouse group with KB Subscriber role
    • When a user is registered or assigned to the Shop Worker role as defined by Easy Digital Downloads they will have the same access as KB Group Warehouse with KB Subscriber role. This will allow shop workers to view all Articles assigned to the Warehouse Group.
  • Map Shop Manager to Office group with KB Editor role:
    • When a user is registered or assigned to the Shop Manager role as defined by Easy Digital Downloads they will have the same access as the KB Group called Office with the KB Editor role. Shop managers will be able to View, Edit, Delete, and Update all Articles assigned to the Office Group.

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  • Includes first year of support and updates
  • Following years are 50% off from the listed price.
  • License is valid for test / development sites
  • Expired license doesn't disable plugin features

Read License FAQs.

★ Refunds are granted within 30 days of purchase.★



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Add-on Details

  • VERSION: 1.9.0