Extend Your Knowledge Base with our Add-ons

Is your Knowledge base ready for the NEXT LEVEL? See our add-ons below to IMPROVE your knowledge base.

Our KB Add-ons

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Adds ADDITIONAL layout options with 9 presets to get you started quickly, and features like the ability to have search box on article pages.

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Greatly enhances a user’s search experience and will offer tools and search analytics for KB administrators. Many new settings available.

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Create UNLIMITED Knowledge Bases, one for each of your topics, products, services and teams. Each KB has separate Main Page, articles, URLs, and admin screens.

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Add KB Search, Most Recent Articles and other widgets and shortcodes to your articles, sidebars and pages.

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Set Articles to links to PDFs, pages, posts and websites. On KB Main Page, choose icons for your articles.

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Get ratings for your articles, see what is the MOST or LEAST popular and improve your articles based on user feedback.

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This is a powerful plugin to migrate, create and copy articles and images as well as import articles from CSV and other sources.
Note: This add-on is not part of any Bundle.

KB Access Control Add-ons

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Access Manager is the MOST ADVANCED and configurable access control KB plugins on the market.

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This Access Manager add-on  organize your users into KB Groups, separating their access to KB content based on the access to categories and articles that each group needs.

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Lets you map to ANY role WP or custom created by a third party plugin.

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