
Article Sidebars

Articles can have a Left Sidebar and/or a Right Sidebar to display additional content. 

The Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar can each contain the following elements:

  • Categories Navigation sidebar
  • KB Sidebar with custom or KB Widgets
  • Table of Contents (TOC)
Left and Right Sidebar Example
Left and Right Sidebar Example

You can change the Navigation sidebar using either the Settings UI or the Setup Wizard.

For more detailed control over article sidebars, see the instructions below.

setup wizard
click to zoom
Click to Zoom In

Choose the left and right sidebar widths for desktop and mobile devices.

Sidebar from Blog
  • This is the KB Left Sidebar with yellow background color so that you can see it better.

  • This is the KB Right Sidebar with yellow background color so that you can see it better.

  • This is the Blog sidebar from your theme.

In this example, you can see another sidebar. This sidebar is outputted by your theme. 

Switch to the KB Template option

The first step is to try to switch to the KB Template options. This option allows our KB to take more control over the layout.

Go to instructions
Check your Active Theme Settings

Check your themes settings to see how it can turn off the blog on the KB Article Post Type. You need to look for KB articles or post_type  called epkb_post_type_1

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