
Article Page Width

The Article Page width is affected by three settings: the search box width, the article content width, and the sidebars’ width.

To update the search box width, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the backend KB configurations.
  2. Click on the "Settings" tab.
  3. Go to the "KB Article Page" section.
  4. Find the "Search Box" section.
  5. Update the width value, specifying whether it's in pixels (px) or as a percentage (%).
Click to zoom
Article Page Width Cannot Be Larger Than Search Box Width.

The width of the Article Page cannot exceed the width of the Search Box. If you need the Article Page to be wider than the current Search Box, adjust the width of the Search Box as described above.

To update the content width, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the backend KB configurations.
  2. Click on the "Settings" tab.
  3. Go to the "KB Article Page" section.
  4. Find the "Settings" section.
  5. Update the width value, specifying whether it's in pixels (px) or percentage (%).
Click to zoom

The article width varies based on the chosen template. With the KB template, the article can expand to the browser’s maximum width if selected. With the theme template, however, the article width is dictated by the theme’s overall settings.

If the article width seems restricted with the theme template, this may result from the theme’s settings or hardcoded limitations that constrain the overall width. Note that modifying the KB width cannot override the theme’s container settings.

To learn more, click here.

To learn more see Article Sidebar Width

If the article width is not expanding to your desired preference, it’s most likely due to the theme’s width limits. If the theme doesn’t allow for anything wider, the KB article will not exceed that limit. To address this, adjust your theme’s settings to increase the width for the article page template, allowing the KB article to expand. Alternatively, you can switch to a KB template.

If you need assistance, please contact us.

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