
FAQs for Article Pages

Article Page related questions are listed here:

Some themes do not output the styling for the article content for Custom Post Types. For example, your lists are missing bullet points and your headings are all the same size. Try our CSS resets below:

Click to Zoom

See this article here

Tags are part of the Knowledge Base features. If you do not want them in your articles you have two options.

  1. You can edit articles with tags and remove the tags.
  2. If you want tags but you want to hide them, you can apply this custom CSS to your child theme.

.eckb-tag-container {
       display: none !important;

You have two options for your posts to show up in KB:
a) Convert the posts to articles:
b) Use Linked Editor to link to the posts within the Knowledge Base:

If you access a KB article and encounter a "not found" (HTTP 404) error, this is likely due to a misconfiguration on your site, or it could be caused by a theme or another plugin. Here are the steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Save WordPress Permalinks
    Some plugins may alter permalinks without refreshing them. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Permalinks and click on the "Save" button to refresh the permalinks.
  • Test Regular WordPress Posts
    Verify if regular WordPress posts also display a 404 error.
  • Disable Redirection and URL Rewrite Plugins
    Misconfigured redirection plugins might be the culprit. Test by disabling them to see if the issue is resolved.
  • Disable Access, Roles and User Restriction Plugins
    Misconfigured content restriction plugins might be the culprit. Test by disabling them to see if the issue is resolved.
  • Check that KB URLs for Articles are Setup Correctly
    Go to Admin > Knowledge Base > Configuration and click on the "KB URLs" tab. Follow the instructions to ensure the URL setup is correct.
  • Caching
    Make sure to clear both your server and browser caches.
  • WPML and Polylang
    If you have WPML or Polylang enabled, ensure you follow our WPML instructions here. Additionally, clear all caches associated with WPML.
  • Verify Custom Code
    Review any custom code that might be causing the error.
  • PHP Error Log
    Check the PHP error log for any errors related to a 404 status.
  • Theme Check
    Sometimes, the active theme may cause conflicts. In your Test or Staging site, temporarily switch to a default WordPress theme (like Twenty Twenty) and see if the error persists.
  • Plugin Conflicts
     Apart from redirection plugins, other plugins can also cause issues. In your Test or Staging site, deactivate all plugins and activate them one by one to pinpoint the problematic plugin.
  • .htaccess File
    Check the .htaccess file for any misconfigurations or corruptions.
  • Migrating KB
    When migrating KB, certain tools might trigger this error. We recommend using our Articles Import and Export add-on.
  • Have your articles worked before but something has changed on your site? Speak to your administrator and developer to help you troubleshoot the issue.

If you would like a more advanced version of WordPress built-in post versioning, see if the following plugin meets your needs: PublishPress Revisions.

The Sidebar can be displayed in collapsed mode. In the Editor, select the Navigation part of the Sidebar and the Top Categories Collapsed option.
For KB Main Page categories, you can choose the Grid Layout or Categories Focused Layout to have categories “collapsed”. Use the Setup Wizard to choose the layout.

FAQ schema is being discontinued by Google. However you can enable it on the settings > main page > faqs tab.

We plan to introduce accordion and FAQ layout later this year. Please Contact Us for details.

Please see our article about PDF and Knowledge Base.

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