The Best WordPress Knowledge Base Plugin

Join 15,000+ professionals who use Echo Knowledge Base to build documentation for their businesses.


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#1 Knowledge Base Plugin for WordPress that’s Easy and Powerful

Echo KB is the best Knowledge Base Plugin for WordPress. Here are the features that make Echo KB the most powerful and user-friendly Documentation plugin in the market.

Setup in 5 Minutes

Setup in minutes with a Wizard to help you choose your style, colors, and layout.

Professional Look

Get a professional look with the option to customize nearly all components.

Custom Icons

500 icons, with the option to upload your own icons.

Hierarchical Organization

Up to five levels of hierarchical documentation.

Table of Content

Articles with a table of contents (TOC).

PRO Features

Access control, advanced search, analytics, PDF links, widgets, voting and more.

Echo Knowledge Base Was Featured On:

Top 5 Reasons Why Over 15,000 Users Love Echo Knowledge Base

With over 15,000 active installs, our plugin is the most popular Knowledge Base plugin for WordPress. Here’s why smart business owners, organizations, and companies love Echo Knowledge Base, and you will too!

Advanced Search Analytics

Enhance users search experience and view search analytics including popular searches and no results searches. Learn More
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Control Access and Permissions

Access Manager allows administrators, companies, and organizations to control and restrict access to their private Knowledge Base based on WordPress user accounts. Grant permission using roles and groups.

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Multiple Knowledge Bases

Create Multiple Knowledge Bases, one for each product, service, topic or department. Each Knowledgebase has separate articles, URLs, KB Main Page and admin screens.

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Links Editor for PDFs and More​

Set Articles to links to PDFs, pages, posts and websites. On KB Main Page, choose icons for your articles. Learn More
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  • Choose from 26 professional pre-made designs – no coding required.
  • Enjoy a variety of colors, styles, and layouts.
  • Switch between designs with a single click.
  • Choose from Basic, Tabs, Category-Focused, Classic, Drill Down, Sidebar, or Grid layouts.
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Proudly Made in Canada