=== Knowledge Base with Access Manager === Author URI: https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/about-us/ Plugin URI: https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/ Contributors: echoplugins Donate link: https://www.echoknowledgebase.com Tags: knowledge base, knowledgebase, documentation, documents, faqs Requires at least: 5.2 Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 9.20.0 Access Manager enables companies and organizations to control and restrict access to their Knowledge Base. == Description == Access Manager enables administrators, companies and organizations to control access to their Knowledge Base(s). Administrators and KB Managers (a KB specific role) can restrict access to KB Articles, KB Categories, and KB administrative pages. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where can I find complete documentation on your knowledgebase? = Full searchable docs can be found at [Access Manager Documentation](https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/documentation/?top-category=access-manager "plugin documentation") = What browsers work with Echo Knowledge Base? = We support the current major release and one past major release of the following browsers: Internet Explorer/Edge, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. == Changelog == = 9.20.0 = Release Date: Oct 7, 2024 * New: Visual Helper * New: Tag Archive Page with separate KB Template * New: Custom category slug * Update: Security improvements * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 9.11.1 = Release Date: Aug 27, 2024 * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 9.11.0 = Release Date: July 8, 2024 * Update: WordPress 6.6 * New: Utility to convert selected articles to posts * Fix: Articles views counter * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 9.10.0 = Release Date: May 20, 2024 * New: toggle article list icons on/off * New: custom article list icons (Elegant Layout) * New: Category Archive Page with separate KB Template * Update: FAQs shortcode with extra parameters * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes * Update: demo data * Update: security improvements * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 9.0.0 = Release Date: Apr 13, 2024 * New: Category Archive Page v3 with new designs and settings * Update: security improvements * Update: Show KB Main Page tag in list of pages * Update: WordPress 6.5 * Update: Category Archive Page v3 with more settings and features * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 8.42.0 = Release Date: Feb 26, 2024 * New: FAQs title and location * New: Articles List title and location * Update: Drill Down Layout - improved sub-category display * Update: remove FAQ draft status * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 8.40.0 = Release Date: Feb 10, 2024 * New: FAQ Groups and FAQ Group Shortcode * New: All Articles - add category filter * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 8.30.0 = Release Date: Dec 10, 2023 * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 8.20.0 = Release Date: Dec 9, 2023 * New: Popular Articles List * New: Resource Links Module if Elegant Layout enabled * Update: Rename Modular Layout and Reorganize UI * Update: Rename Product Layout to Drill Down Layout * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 8.1.1 = Release Date: Dec 4, 2023 * Fix: Custom URL saving = 8.1.0 = Release Date: Dec 3, 2023 * New: Popular Articles List * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 8.0.0 = Release Date: Aug 15, 2023 * New: Modular Layouts * Update: WordPress 6.3 compatibility * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 7.2.0 = Release Date: July 14, 2023 * New: Article View Counter * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 7.0.0 = Release Date: Mar 4, 2023 * New: ChatGPT like content writing assistant powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI * New: Advanced search param definition * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 6.21.0 = Release Date: Jan 28, 2023 * New: FAQs shortcode * New: Draft like Categories * Fix: Archive pages not showing articles * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 6.20.1 = Release Date: Nov 13, 2022 * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 6.20.0 = Release Date: Oct 20, 2022 * Update: Improve CSS loading speed * Update: Improve Google CLS * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 6.12.0 = Release Date: Aug 29, 2022 * Update: New UI for simple KB configuration * Update: Improve debugging * Update: Contributor can see a list of KBs * Update: full width when printing article * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 6.11.0 = Release Date: July 10, 2022 * Update: Option to show article title with Current Template * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 6.10.0 = Release Date: May 24, 2022 * New: Convert Posts and CPTs to KB Articles * New: Add backend mode to the Editor * New: Articles Index Directory shortcode * New: navigation sidebar with categories and articles * Update: Various fixes and improvements. * Update: Article content output for KB Template * Update: WordPress 6.0 * Fix: Article content output for Current Template * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes * Fix: Article content output for KB Template = 5.1.3, Jan 26, 2022 = * Update: WordPress 5.9 * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 5.1.2, Jan 11, 2022 = * Fix: Article edit screen * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 5.1.1, Dec 31, 2021 = * Update: Frontend Editor loading * Fix: Fix post categories hidden = 5.1.0, Nov 28, 2021 = * New: control speed of TOC scrolling * Update: Add import/export add-on links * Update: Allow private articles * Update: Various fixes and improvements = 5.0.0, Sept 30, 2021 = * New: Access control - choose what Authors and Editors can change and if they can view analytics * New: On the Category Archive Page, the author, date and category can be turned on or off * New: Option to include or exclude articles in child categories on Category Archive Page * Update: do not include articles in child categories on Category Archive Page * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 4.4.0, July 4, 2021 = * New: Typography font options for text * New: Custom icons for sub-categories in Categories Layout * Update: RTL compability * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 4.3.1, Apr 2, 2021 = * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 4.3.0, Mar 28, 2021 = * New: Search hit and miss counter * Update: RTL compability * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 4.2.2, Mar 2, 2021 = * Fix: Fix issue with AMGR settings = 4.2.1, Feb 28, 2021 = * Update: preparation for WordPress 5.7 * Update: theme presets * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 4.2.0, Feb 6, 2021 = * Update: frontened Editor changes * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 4.1.0, Jan 31, 2021 = * New: Print Button * New: Article Header configuration * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 4.0.0, Dec 18, 2020 = * New: Frontend Editor = 3.4.0, Oct 18, 2020 = * New: TOC Heading lower limit * Update: Rating can be switched off per KB * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 3.3.0, Aug 11, 2020 = * New: search shortcode * New: search Multiple KBs * Update: WordPress 5.5. compatibility * Fix: Various minor fixes = 3.2.1, July 11, 2020 = * New: Previous and Next navigation between articles * New: Manage KBs page * Update: Control Archive page width * Fix: Archive tags page * Fix: Cleanup and minor fixes = 3.1.0, June 7, 2020 = * Update: Category Archive Page articles ordering * Update: Update translation strings * Fix: Initial KB URL and Wizard issues = 3.0.1, May 5, 2020 = * Update: Add Read More and Categories heading to Text Wizard * Fix: Creating KB with Multiple KBs to create additional configs. * Fix: Minor issues = 3.0.0, Apr 26, 2020 = * New: TOC, Wizards, Translations and other features from KB Core * Fix: Minor issues = 2.6.7, Apr 14, 2020 = * Fix: Compatiblity issue with Widgets. = 2.6.6, Apr 3, 2020 = * Update: Allow for longer translations = 2.6.5, Mar 20, 2020 = * Fix: Issues with Main Page CSS = 2.6.4, Mar 10, 2020 = * Update: creation of AMGR tables in correct sequence * Fix: Issues with Main Page CSS * Fix: Initial Main Page was private = 2.6.3, Mar 3, 2020 = * Fix: Issue with section hyperlink text on = 2.6.2, Mar 2, 2020 = * Fix: Grid Layout notice issue = 2.6.0, Feb 21, 2020 = * New: Category icons can now be images * Fix: During installation tables not always created * Fix: Ordering of articles = 2.5.3, Dec 9, 2019 = * Fix: Update for Articles Rating add-on compatiblity = 2.5.2, Dec 2, 2019 = * Fix: All articles group switching = 2.5.1, Aug 31, 2019 = * Fix: Search results filtering = 2.5.0, Aug 4, 2019 = * New: Category links * Update: Changed CPT Name and removed the KB prefix. * Update: Added aria label. * Update: Improve initial KB setup and defaults. * Fix: Category archive page title icon alignment. * Fix: Minor issues = 2.4.1, April 28, 2019 = * Fix: All Articles page displayes correctly * Fix: Search Results page displays results correctly = 2.4.0, April 13, 2019 = * Update: Overview page to show KB status, help and new features. * Improved: Do not trigger preview when still configuring KB (longer wait time) = 2.3.2, March 13, 2019 = * Updates: adjusting configuration for add-ons * Fix: Minor issues = 2.3.1, March 4, 2019 = * Fix: Access Manager configuration screen issue. = 2.3.0, Feb 16, 2019 = * Update: Add KB Contributor role * Fix: Minor issues = 2.2.1, Dec 30, 2018 = * Fix: All Articles page filtering and draft articles visibility * Fix: Update old minified JS = 2.2.0, Dec 25, 2018 = * New: Make article updates compatible with Gutenberg * New: Finalize WPML compatibility * Fix: Add Section Head Category icon for Tabs Layout * Fix: Error Message, when user logged in but has no access to KB main page = 2.1.2: Nov 20, 2018 = * Fix: Error Message, when user logged in but has no access to KB main page. = 2.1.1: Nov 7, 2018 = * Fix: WMPL XML = 2.1.0: Nov 1, 2018 = * New: Add initial version of analytics page * New: Prepare for WPML compability * New: Option to have Icons for top categories in Basic and Tabs layout * New: Option to display Article title in Sidebar Layout * Improved: Ability to change heading on Category Archive Page * Improved: Added paging to KB Template - Category Archive page * Improved: Ensure all text is ready for translation * Fix: Translatable text * Fix: Handle articles that are in future, draft or pending. * Fix: Minor issues = 2.0.3: Oct 19, 2018 = * Fix: Filtering list of posts * Update: Some plugins do not call category filter correctly. Work around it. = 2.0.2: Sept 28, 2018 = * Fix: Public group with KB Groups add-on has full-access configuration as well * Fix: Clear log button appears when error detected in add-ons * Fix: Remove hard-coded reference to WP post table name * Fix: When deleting KB Group, also delete its Role mappings = 2.0.1: Aug 20, 2018 = * Fix: Detect properly if add-ons are active = 2.0.0: Aug 4, 2018 = * New: Separate KB Groups and KB Roles into a new add-on. Use WP Roles in Access Manager Core * New: Map WordPres roles to KB Roles = 1.2.1: June 17, 2018 = * Fix: Saving Read-only Articles page * Improved: refactored code = 1.2.0: June 2, 2018 = * New: Hook to change search mechanism * Improved: Remove new lines and slashes from search * Improved: refactored code * Fix: Saving KB Main Pages clears old pages * Fix: WordPress search results page not affected by KB Template * Fix: Minor issues = 1.1.0, May 20, 2018 = * Improved: on All Articles page, administrators and KB Managers can see all articles. * Fix: minor issues. = 1.0.0: May 18, 2018 = * Initial release