=== KB - Advanced Search === Requires Plugins: echo-knowledge-base Author URI: https://www.echoknowledgebase.com Plugin URI: https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/wordpress-plugin/advanced-search/ Contributors: echoplugins Tags: search, articles, media, pdf, knowledge base, documents, documentation, urls, plugin, add-on Requires at least: 5.4 Tested up to: 6.5 Stable tag: 2.34.1 Knowledge Base Advanced Search == Description == Advanced search for knowledge base including search of tags, autocomplete search results, and analytics. == Installation == = Manually Upload Plugin Files = 1. Download the plugin file from the plugin page: echo-advanced-search.zip. 2. Unzip the file echo-advanced-search.zip. 3. Upload the 'echo-advanced-search' folder to your '/wp-content/plugins' directory (do not rename the folder). You can also read instructions at https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/documentation/?top-category=add-ons/ == Frequently Asked Questions == Please read instructions at https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/documentation/?top-category=add-ons/ == Screenshots == Please read instructions at https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/documentation/?top-category=add-ons/ == Changelog == = 2.34.1, May 28, 2024 = * Fix: Search toggle issue = 2.34.0, May 11, 2024 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.33.1, Apr 27, 2024 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.33.0, Feb 25, 2024 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.32.1, Feb 12, 2024 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.32.0, Feb 10, 2024 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.31.4, Jan 6, 2024 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.31.3, Nov 4, 2023 = * Update: WordPress 6.4 fix * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.31.2, Setp 2, 2023 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.31.1, Aug 25, 2023 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.31.0, Aug 2, 2023 = * New: added hook to allow users to modify search results * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.30.1, Mar 4, 2023 = * Update: Configurable search query parameter * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.30.0, Jan 29, 2023 = * New: Feature to not show draft categories in search * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.29.1, Nov 12, 2022 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.29.0, Aug 23, 2022 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.28.0, June 26, 2022 = * New: Timeframe for analytics data * Update: Compatibility with block themes * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.27.0, May 24, 2022 = * Update: WordPress 6.0 * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.26.1, Apr 8, 2022 = * Fix: revert a fix for JS loading = 2.26.0, Apr 2, 2022 = * Update: Support for backend Editor = 2.25.3, Mar 5, 2022 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.25.1, Feb 28, 2022 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.25.0, Jan 28, 2022 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.24.1, Sept 30, 2021 = * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.24.0, Sept 7, 2021 = * Update: new admin UI * Fix: Various minor fixes and improvements = 2.23.0, Aug 19, 2021 = * New: Search results page can be configured in frontend Editor * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.22.0, July 3, 2021 = * Update: RTL compatibility * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.21.0, June 14, 2021 = * New: typography for search box text * New: filter CSS/HTML keywords better * New: search SQL debug * Update: RTL compatibility * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.20.0, Apr 25, 2021 = * New: accessibility compliance * Update: RTL compatibility * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.19.1, Feb 28, 2021 = * Update: preparation for WordPress 5.7 * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.19.0, Feb 8, 2021 = * Fix: search with accented characters = 2.18.0, Feb 7, 2021 = * Fix: search with Access Manager not working = 2.17.0, Feb 6, 2021 = * Update: frontend Editor for search * Update: presets for search for Editor * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.15.0, Dec 18, 2020 = * Update: presets for search for Editor * Update: add search analytics for search shortcode * Fix: frontend Editor fixes = 2.14.1, Nov 24, 2020 = * Fix: frontend Editor fixes = 2.14.0, Nov 20, 2020 = * New: frontend Editor * Fix: When upgrading to Advanced Search copy new KB setings * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.13.0, Oct 16, 2020 = * Update: Text Wizard for missing search text * Update: WPML configuration * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.12.1, Sep 13, 2020 = * Update: search shortcode for GT/Elementor * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.12.0, Aug 8, 2020 = * New: search shortcode * New: search Multiple KBs * Update: WordPress 5.5. compatibility * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.11.1, July 14, 2020 = * Fix: WPML translation = 2.11.0, July 10, 2020 = * Fix: various minor wizard and search fixes. = 2.10.0, June 7, 2020 = * New: New sub-category filter option * New: Control width of category filter * Fix: Various minor fixes = 2.9.0, May 31, 2020 = * New: Ability to change search Title HTML tag * New: Category filter either top or top and sub-category * New: Control width of category filter * Update: German = 2.8.5, May 4, 2020 = * Fix: Text Wizard for Basic Layout * Update: Spanish = 2.8.4, Apr 26, 2020 = * Fix: fix tags search for Access Manager = 2.8.3, Apr 10, 2020 = * Update: Language translations * Fix: minor fixes = 2.8.2, Mar 20, 2020 = * Update: plugin translations fixes * Update: Wizard updates * Fix: minor fixes = 2.8.1, Feb 29, 2020 = * Update: plugin translations * Update: Wizard updates * Fix: minor fixes = 2.8.0, Feb 17, 2020 = * New: Wizard updates * Fix: minor fixes